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HEALTH -Englis

CancerRop’s advanced Covid-19 testing kit wins official nod

안청장 2020. 12. 16. 08:45

CancerRop’s advanced Covid-19 testing kit wins official nod


CancerRop said its newest testing device, Q-Sens® COVID-19 Detection Kit V2, obtained regulatory approval on Monday.

CancerRop said its newest testing device, Q-Sens® COVID-19 Detection Kit V2, obtained regulatory approval on Monday.


CancerRop said its newest testing device, Q-Sens® COVID-19 Detection Kit V2, has obtained regulatory approval on Monday.

The molecular diagnostics developer said the new product uses the reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) technique. The device can detect the Covid-19 virus by amplifying trace amounts of viral genes from a suspected patient’s respiratory specimen.

The latest device is an upgraded version of Q-Sens® COVID-19 Detection Kit V1, which won the nod in October. The second-version device shows better performance, accuracy, user convenience, and price competitiveness, CancerRop said.

“Providing both Version 1 and Version 2 of the device, we can supply testing kits for Korea at the right timing when the nation is facing a third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic,” an official at CancerRop said. “Exports will proceed smoothly, as well.”

#CancerRop, #COVID19_Detection_Kit , #myongjihospital, #wangjun_lee


출처 : KBR(http://www.koreabiomed.com)