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HEALTH -Englis 56

‘Standardization of diagnostic, clinical guidelines needed to treat long Covid’

‘Standardization of diagnostic, clinical guidelines needed to treat long Covid’ Many people recovering from Covid-19 complain about aftereffects, but there are no standardized diagnostic criteria or treatment guidelines, confusing clinical fields, according to medical workers. The larger the number of Covid-19 patients, the more the people suffering from long Covid, with some experiencing its af..

HEALTH -Englis 2022.05.31

‘Impotency drug effective in controlling diabetics’ blood sugar’

‘Impotency drug effective in controlling diabetics’ blood sugar’ A research team at Myongji Hospital has proved that taking a low dose (5 mg) of tadalafil, an erectile dysfunction drug, effectively controls blood sugar. According to Myongji researchers, chronic hyperglycemia caused by insufficient insulin secretion or dysfunction, a characteristic of diabetes, is a metabolic disease that is a co..

HEALTH -Englis 2022.05.31

살 안빠지는 이유 따로 있다 - 쿠싱증후군(명지병원 이민경)

노력해도 빠지지 않는 살, 이유 따로 있다 명지병원 이민경 교수, 호르몬 이상으로 살이 찌는 쿠싱증후군 상체는 비대, 팔다리는 빈약한 거미형 체형... 다양한 합병증 뒤따라 ​ 현대 사회에서 비만은 많은 사람들의 고민거리 중 하나다. 특히 최근 2년간 코로나19로 외부활동이나 운동시설 이용이 제한되고, 재택근무나 원격학습 등 집에 머무르는 시간이 늘어나면서 비만율이 급증했다. 실제로 통계청이 발표한 '국민 삶의 질 2021 보고서'에 따르면 코로나19가 확산한 2020년 비만율은 38.3%로 전년보다 4.5% 증가한 것으로 조사됐다. 이렇다보니 집에서 운동하는 홈트레이닝이나 식이조절용 밀키트 등이 유행하며 저마다의 방법으로 다이어트를 위한 노력을 이어가고 있다. 그런데 충분한 운동과 식이요법 등 아무리 ..

HEALTH -Englis 2022.04.25

‘Nearly 2/3 of cured Covid-19 patients have three or more symptoms’

‘Nearly 2/3 of cured Covid-19 patients have three or more symptoms’ Myongji Hospital reported Friday that 65 percent of Covid-19 patients who had finished quarantine and visited the hospital due to aftereffects had more than three symptoms. A survey conducted by Myongji Hospital has found that more than half of patients released from quarantine who visited the hospital had at least three afteref..

HEALTH -Englis 2022.04.20

Nine foreign trainees finish Myongji Hospital’s 1st quarantine expert course

Nine foreign trainees finish Myongji Hospital’s 1st quarantine expert course 2022.3.24 Myongji Hospital said Friday that it has educated nine medical doctors and researchers from four countries as infectious disease experts by transferring the “K-quarantine” know-how. Myongji Hospital Chairman Lee Wang-jun (center at top row), hospital staff, and Lee Jong-wook Fellowship Program Infectious Disea..

HEALTH -Englis 2022.04.20

‘Hospitals should establish long Covid treatment guideline’ - Myongji Hospital

‘Hospitals should establish long Covid treatment guideline’ As the Omicron infections rapidly push up the number of Covid-19 cases, many suffer from long Covid symptoms. While there are not many hospitals to treat post-Covid-19 conditions, Myongji Hospital on Monday opened “Post Covid-19 Syndrome Clinic” to provide care for those with long Covid symptoms. The hospital said that the clinic built ..

HEALTH -Englis 2022.04.20