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Ota nevus hopes for patients with conjunctival nevus - Myongji Hospital

안청장 2019. 10. 24. 11:05

Ota nevus hopes for patients with conjunctival nevus

Prof. Kwon Ji-won, Professor of Myongji Hospital(Ophthalmology)

SCI paper search brings patients from all over the world


In the treatment of patients with conjunctival nevus and Ota nevus with spots in the snow white, foreign patients are searching for the professor of ophthalmology, Kwon Ji-won, Hanyang University Myongji Hospital(Ophthalmology).

Vietnamese Duong Tian Dao, 22, had a noticeable black spot on her right eye white since birth. This is a common congenital scleral pigmentation called "otata spot" or "otamoban",(Ota nevus ) which is common to Asians, and there are many patients in Korea.


Professor Kwon's Fame Through Internet Search

Due to the whites that should be white, he was so stressed that Duong Tian Dao found a cure in Vietnam and all over the world to cure it, but only received answers that treatment was difficult.

Then I searched the internet to read the paper on Otamoban(Ota nevus) surgery in the journal of ophthalmology Kwon Ji-won. Doong Tian Dao boarded a flight to Korea to discuss his eye condition by exchanging dozens of mails with Professor Kwon at the e-mail address listed in the dissertation.


From escort to airport, as well as escort to accommodation After arriving at Incheon International Airport on September 6, last year, Duong Tian Dao arrived at the hospital under the guidance of a member of Myeongji Hospital's international team, who received a detailed examination of the doctor's team and eye condition from an ophthalmologist. After the surgery agreed. The surgeon entered the surgery on the following day, September 7, and successfully completed eye surgery about an hour after the operation.

Duong Tian Tao, who visited the ophthalmology outpatient department for the follow-up of September 12, saw his eye condition and was very satisfied with the results of the surgery. “In addition to surgery, he escorted me directly from the airport to the hospital, the hospital to the lodging, and the hospital to the hospital. We had surgery without any difficulty in a foreign country we visited, ”thanked the medical staff and the international team staff.


Development of Surgery More Advanced than Conventional Scleral Transplantation

Otamoban Surgery, developed by Professor Kwon Ji-won, has been continuously developing and developing surgical techniques since its inception in 2004, and dozens of Otamoban patients have removed the black spots of whites and have confidence in restoring self-esteem and returning to society. Got. This is a surgery with high patient satisfaction. Congenital but 15 years old or older can be operated. Many patients from children to adults are treated by Professor Kwon Ji-won.

Ota nevus is a congenital spot in the sclera that supports the eye, and it was considered impossible to remove the sclera with the nevus itself, and there has been no proper surgical method.

Kwon Ji-won's Ota nevus operation is a more advanced method than conventional scleral transplantation. After surgery, there is hyperemia and foreign body, but it gradually disappears over time, and everyday life is possible, and the recovery period is large, although the individual difference is about 1 to 3 months.


Adopted world-class journals for “Ota nevus” and “Conjunctival nevus”

Kwon has been treating hundreds of conjunctival nevus patients at home and abroad since 2004 when he succeeded in laser treatment of “conjunctival nevus” patients with spots on white when he was in ophthalmology at Seoul National University Hospital. In addition, he developed `` Sclerosis '' to treat otamoban, and was published in the Canadian Academy of Ophthalmology. Kwon's clinical results on conjunctival nevus treatment were published long ago at the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery.In August 2006, he published a paper in the American Journal of Ophthamology, the world's leading journal in ophthalmology. Has been adopted.

In 2006, while attending Seoul National University Hospital, a Malaysian-American visited Kwon Ji-won and underwent an “otamoban” operation. In 2010, 23-year-old Canadian Bartley came to Professor Kwon for the treatment of conjunctival birthmarks in the whites of the eyes.


Endless patients coming abroad

Even after moving to Myongji Hospital in 2011, overseas patients continued to visit. Many patients, including conjunctival nevus laser treatment by Raleigh in Malaysia, conjunctival nevus laser removal for American men, and Jason, an Asian-Australian patient, searched for treatments around the world. Went back. Nowadays, patients from all over the world e-mail Kwon to see if he can be treated in Korea. There are quite a few patients scheduled to visit. Professor Kwon Ji-won is widely recognized worldwide for the treatment of otavan and conjunctival nevus.


Cornea papers accept immediately and introduce as Current Issue Highlight

In 2013, the paper published the results of Professor Kwon's conjunctival nevus laser treatment in the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the world's most prestigious SCI journal. In 2010, the world's first successful censor laser procedure was published in Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, and in 2013, it was adopted by the American SCI journal Cornea. In this paper, argon laser ablation was effective for small, blood vessel-free censorship.

In 2015, the paper was not only accepted by each author in Cornea, the SCI journal in the US, but also introduced as a Current Issue Highlight on the journal homepage. This article is about the removal of dermoid, which is a congenital benign tumor. The conventional removal of the skin removes both turbidity and scars, but it is possible to resolve both the white scars left in the black and the red scars left in the white. Introduction to surgery.


Hope of Otamoban patients all over the world

In 2014, he went back to surgery with a British accountant, Ashan Otamoban, to promote Kwon as "the hope of patients around the world."

Conjunctival nevus patients and Ota nevus patients are now globally looking for Professor Kwon. In addition to China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Germany, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada.

Professor Kwon, who left the US training for one year in 2016, continued to inquire about the surgery, but patients who did not see the doctor during the training visited Kwon at the same time.


Albert Nelson Wins Lifetime Achievement Award

Professor Kwon was published in the American Academy of Ophthalmology for conjunctival nevus laser. Since then, he has been highly praised for publishing new surgical methods and treatments (corneal tattooing, dermoid, otamoban, censorship, etc.) in the SCI-class international journal. He was awarded the 2017 Albert Nelson Lifetime Achievement Award by Marquis Who's Who.

The Marquis Who's Who Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award is a marques who's one of the world's three most famous people's dictionaries.

Professor Kwon Ji-won, a specialist in ophthalmology and cataract refractive surgery in the ophthalmology field, has developed a conjunctival nevus laser ablation that has not been reported worldwide (2006, 2012, American Journal of Ophthalmology), and is playing a leading role in this field. .

In addition, after the first development of Ota nevus scleral surgery in 2006 for patients suffering from Ota nevus who was known to have no treatment, he published internationally published surgical methods.

Through these activities, many patients in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom are seeking professor Kwon Ji-won for the treatment of conjunctival birthmarks.


Visited in the US

In 2017, a paper related to Ota nevus was published in the July issue of the international journal SCI Eye and Contact Lens published in the United States.

In June, a patient, who was checking e-mail in California in the US, flew and returned to the plane after a day of treatment and treatment. The patient underwent left conjunctival nevus laser ablation.

Professor Kwon Ji-won said, "I am worried about Ota nevus or conjunctival nevus from foreigners living abroad. I have been contacting papers adopted by academic journals. .

권지원 교수(權智媛) KWON JI WON

